Friday 28 March 2014

The Prisoner of my Mind

This stupid mind fails not in making promises,
And setting deadlines, which are rarely met,
It makes me fly, and kiss the moon,
It makes me dream of undreamt,
Yet it has no guts to make my limbs move,
The guts to convert it into reality.

So sick I am of the unfulfilled promises it makes,
So tired I am of the endless promises I have to attend to,
Why can't this mind make it happen?
Why is it not ashamed of cheating upon itself,
It pours upon me rays of hope,
Yet again, so boldly puts thicket of clouds over my head.

It pushes me so close to the glory,
But when I touch upon the edges,
And when I am ready to conquer the world,
Yet it want to pull my legs without a bit of hesitation,
So is nature of my mind, stupid awkward mind,
I remain a prisoner of my mind.


Wednesday 26 March 2014

The Advice from a Stranger named James Lee

Today I met a Stranger, a man named James Lee. He is a mechanic by profession. Man in a jeans, old fashioned though. He looked younger than he actually is. I think he was very happy to see me. 

He asked me, 'I didn't see you before here, when did you start to work here?" 
I told him, "been few months now". "Where are you from?", he asked me. "I am from Bhutan", I replied. " "And where are you from?", I asked him. "I am from Korea", He replied. 

He looked around in the room, as if he was looking for some lost articles. He pulled of a card box from the corner, and took out pen from his pocket. He started to draw something. At first I didn't understand, what he was trying to draw, in few minutes time, he came up with a rough sketch of a map. 

"Come here", he said. "I will show you something, this is Himalaya, we started our journey from here. We then moved to china to help them write letters. We didn't stop there, we kept moving until we were stopped by nature. This is history of Koreans", he continued. "This is Bhutan, in Himalaya", he said pointing with pen on the map he just drew few minutes ago. "We share same family history, same ancestors. See how we look, no different", he said. "If you come to Korea, no one can make out that you are from Bhutan", he said. 

I kept on listening, and nodding my head whenever necessary. First language in the world as he claims was Sanskrit.  

"All other languages are derived from Sanskrit, including Korean", he said. "In Korean we call father, Apa and mother Ama. And in Bhutan too, you call same right?", he asked me. "Yes you are very true", I replied. "That is because, we shared same ancestors and language", he said. 

He continued to talk, and I continued to listen. He talked about many things. About religion, about how children in Cambodia are abused. How women in India are exploited. He told me something about, rightful path. I am still not sure if I understood it correctly. 

"In life, you should consider four things he said, first always comes spiritualism, then intelligence, after that physical, and then materialism", he said. "If you break this order, you are going in wrong direction', he said. 

I am not sure, I understood him in this part, but I didn't ask for clarification. He was almost, going to leave, and reaching to pick up his tool box, he asked:

"When did you come to Australia?" "Last August, 2013. I will go back to Bhutan this August, 2014", I replied. 

He immediately dropped the tool box, and started to ask: 

"Why do you want to go back?" "I don't know, but I have to go back", I replied. "You came for studies?", he asked. "Yes, you are right", I replied. "What do you study?", he asked. "Master of Laws", I replied. "Ah, law, do you know, law means right path?", he said. "I have a daughter who is studying law too", he said. "You didn't reach Australia by chance, you are destined to come here, learn and return to your country and serve your country", he said. "Not many who come here, want to go back and serve their own country. Most of the people come here and this country becomes their new country", he said. "Since you are going back, I have my blessings and best wishes for you", he said. "Thank you, that is, so kind of you", I said.  "Are you married?", he asked. 

Instantly, I thought why did he ask me about my marital status. Did he intend to ask my hand for his daughter (that is just intended for joke). 

"Yes, I am married", I replied. "Do you have kids?", he asked again. "Yes, a girl", I replied. "I will tell you something", he said. "Family is very important, learn to love them. I make a point that, I at least cook one meal for them in a day, and eat together", he said. "I am 52, and my wife is 50, but I still hug her quite often, and say that I love her. I hug my daughter, and smell her hair. It really smells good", he said. "You try doing it, you will like it", he said. "You should not just stop there. You have to love others; poor, women, disabled, and other most needy ones", he said. "Start by loving your family, if you don't love and care for your family, there is no possibility that you can love and care for others", he said. 

"Look at me, I am just a mechanic, I can't do much. You are still young, and you did law. You are already in right path. You have all the tools to love and care for others", he said. "I am doing all I can, my daughters are doing fine, I have a flat now. I have enough for my family", he said. "Now only dream, is to help and care for others, I have decided to go to Cambodia, and help abandoned children. I want to cook for them, teach them what I know", he said. "I may not be able to change world, but I can help at least some", he said. "You may work very hard, and decide to own a house in Australia, a house in Bhutan, a business elsewhere. That would be so selfish of you. You don't need too much, one house and daily subsistence is enough. Rest, share it to others, who don't have", he said. "That is what I do", he said. 

"Your wife may say, do that, don't do that, etc. That depends on you", he said. "Talk to her, your daughter, share your dream. Love and care for them, then they will definitely listen to what you have got to say", he said. "All you need to do is talk, and today people are so busy that they don't have time to talk to their family. That is very wrong", he said. "You will need to talk to your child, explain to her why sky is blue, what are the reasons for mother being so upset, you will need to talk to them", he said. "That is what I do to my family, and now we are one very happy family", he said. "Many friends of mine, envy us", he said. "My wife agreed that we will go to Cambodia, and do what we can to help abandoned children there. This won't have been possible, if I didn't love and care for my family. They would have blatantly said no, but they didn't", he said. 

"You can do many things, Bhutan is very beautiful country. You can make it even better, teach others how to love and care for their families, and then others in need", he said. "Remember, as I earlier said, you can't care or love others, if you don't love and care for you own family", he said. "Going after wealth is very wrong, he said, even if you go after wealth, you should be using it to help other in need, but ofcourse help yourself and your family first", he said. "If you don't care to love your family and others in need, and if you keep going after wealth, you cannot live happy life. True happiness lies in loving and caring for others", he said. 

These are some of his advices, I can recollect. I don't know how truly he practise it by himself. Whatever he said, I think is no less. If every family in our society could be like his family, there would be peace, and true happiness. His words were priceless, I may not be able to practise what he told me, but I remain inspired. 
"If you ever come to Sydney, let me know", he said. 

We then exchanged our numbers, and now we are no more a stranger to one another. 

Friday 21 March 2014

A Letter to my Daughter

Dear Sweetheart,

I am so sorry. I should have been there for you, with you on your birthday. Should have been there with you, holding your hand as you go to school for the first time. I should have been there with you, singing rhymes together. I feel sorry to myself even more, can't bear the thoughts of not being with you, and more so of thoughts and feelings of missing you.

Yet my prayers are always with you. As you begin your formal education, the journey to wisdom, I have a message for you: Many parents might say, study hard get a colourful result, decorate your life with successful degree certificates. I would rather say, study not merely to get degrees and knowledge but to gain wisdom. Knowledge and degrees may give you job, but you would need wisdom to do that job wisely. Now a days, many have knowledge, but very few have wisdom. Education is supposed to make us wise, but many seem to be growing wild. I would love to see you grow wise.

As you grow, don't try to land on moon forgetting your neighbours and countrymen. Don't try to become self-centred, you may not find happiness. Help others in your possible ways, brotherhood is one of the important values, rather duty so deeply engraved in our Constitution (Mother of all laws). I will talk to you about the Constitution and laws when time is right.

As you grow, try to question or raise voice when your conscience calls for, but forget not our traditional values, a respect for our elders, and being gentle. It is so beautifully woven in our society, you will not know now about its pricelessness.

As you grow, you will face many challenges, you might fail and you might make mistakes. Don't forget to have courage to face failures and make amend to your mistakes. When you fall, don't hesitate or let shyness beat you, get up quickly and start to walk yet again. Remember, you did not learn to walk, eat and talk in a day. It was a long journey you have taken. Journey to wisdom, and successful life is no different.  Take it light, keep smiling both in success and also in failures. If you never fail and make no mistakes, then you would never reach the height; the height so called wisdom. You will remain a mediocre.

As you grow, you will come across many who would like to pull your legs down. Don't panic, nor try to hurt them or try pulling their legs. All you need to do is, find out ways to make yourself strong and get out of it. Climb the height where no one could reach to pull your legs again. I have a long story to tell about my life, but not now, you have a story which starts with happiness with all environments conducive to make your story even better. It was different story for me by then, there were continuous pulling legs from different directions.

I would have never ending messages and words for you, but at the end, all you need to do is, grow up to live simple, yet contented, respectful and enjoyable life. Greatest gift I can expect from you is to see you happy in your life, and die seeing you happy.

Your Loving Dad

Beginning to the beginning of my Blogging

Friend of my told me I should start blogging. Here I am, trying to start blogging indeed. I have no idea about blogging, don't know how to begin with it, yet I thought I will still give a try. I will find time to write something, something which interests me. But I still don't know if my writings may interest prospective readers (If blogging is meant for readers). I start blogging atleast with intention that, it will keep me busy, busy when I have nothing to do, and yet it will let me learn play with words, though I may not be able to make words sing with musical sounds of flowing rivers, and make them dance with the dashing breezes. I may not succeed in crafting stories as beautifully as William Shakespeare, nor I will reach the height of William Wordsworth and make words to persuade readers to read them through.  

I start blogging in the midst of my submission deadline for an assignment; an assignment which I am yet to start on. It is very difficult to make a beginning, you are always stuck in various thoughts. How should I begin? where should I begin? You may continue to think, yet you would hardly find best way to start on. Similarly, as I start to blog, my mind stand divided; trying to think what I should type in, and at the same time worried about my assignment, though going through many scholarly articles, I am still not comfortable to make a beginning. I know, I should not and will not start to make a beginning unless I am perfectly ready, because I am firm believer that if I start well, supposedly it will end well too.

As I begin, I must think, type in the beginning, hit backspace bar. Think it again, type in again, and hit backspace bar on my keyboard again. This process will continue, till I find best possible beginning; the beginning when I will not have to hit backspace bar anymore. Consider this start, as not a real beginning, it is rather beginning to the beginning, I must travel miles before I decide to stop hitting on my backspace bar.